Dr Makoto Shichida who devoted more than 40 years of research into the functioning of the brain, actually uses the term “Interbrain” rather than Midbrain. We will keep to the use of the term “Midbrain” as this has been popularized by recent development.
Midbrain also called the mesencephalon, manages the function of both left brain and right brain. It is portion of the central nervous system it is located bellow the cerebral cortex and overall Hindbrain. It is a small region of the brain that serves as a really centre for visual, auditory and motor system information.
The middle brain is directly involve with motor and sensory function and any disruptions can cause irreversible damage active middle brain could link left and right brain and also help children to use many higher functions of the right brain easily.
Middle brain is the control device for the left and right brain. It is also the bridge and a key to open the subconscious. Middle brain activation awakens the cerebrum’s potential power by highly affected methods to boost memory, reversal of stress absorbing power and induction force and enable mental strength and so on. Ultimately this strengthened mental ability helps perform better academically.
Mid brain is actually a small area in a brain which mainly serves as really centre for the various activities like Auditory, Visual and Motor system. thus , the mid brain activation method is in fact a process to the midbrain which focuses on improvement of a child’s learning capability and improves his perception in Visual, Auditory and various other ways.
There are several ways for the Midbrain training which overall increases the learning power of your child and will help them in the transformation as the super kid living behind all the other kids of the same age. Midbrain activation training is a technique that is used to activate the “Midbrain”.
The purpose is to unleash the child potential through activation of “Midbrain”. Midbrain is the bridge for linking up and balancing the function of the left and right brain. Activating it would both left and right brain to be used simultaneously you may wish to call it as “Blind Fold Viewing” etc because the participants are Blind Fold during the workshop.
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